Memories from Marion.

Created by Carol 3 years ago

In August 1954 I had just married Eileen’s brother. We stood outside the church having our photographs taken. A little boy came up to me and gave me a silver horseshoe: it was Christopher just over 2 years of age and wearing little shorts and a crisp white short sleeved shirt. When I bent down to accept the horseshoe he gave me a kiss. He was a delight and when I think of Christopher I am reminded of that little boy giving me a gift and a kiss.
Many years later at Eileen’s 80th Birthday party in August 2006 there was another photo opportunity with Christopher when he gave me a big squeeze, something he liked to do whenever we met.  He enveloped me completely so I almost disappeared! So this is another joyful image I have when I think of him.
Every day I see the gift he sent for my birthday in June, a large plant. The large plant has a special place in my home like Christopher had a special place in my heart.
It has been a pleasure to receive photos from Chris and from Joe and family of the children and how they are growing and having fun. I really appreciate the family keeping in touch.